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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2016 year, number 1

Change of the Composition of Heavy Oil from the Usinsk Deposit (Republic of Komi) under the Action of Oil-Sweeping Compositions

1Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Pr. Akademicheskiy 4, Tomsk 634055 (Russia)
2Tomsk State University, Pr. Lenina 36, Tomsk 634050 (Russia)
3Tomsk Polytechnical University, Pr. Lenina 30, Tomsk 634050 (Russia)
Keywords: нефтеотдача, нефтевытесняющие композиции, тяжелая нефть, состав, ГХ-МС, углеводороды, алканы, гетероорганические соединения, oil recovery, oil-sweeping compositions, heavy oil, composition, GC-MS, hydrocarbons, alkanes, heterorganic compounds


Under the conditions of inevitable depletion of the world resources of natural fossil fuel, in particular petroleum, an increase in oil recovery is an acute problem. The deposits of highly viscous heavy oil are increasingly actively involved in mining. The production of this kind of oil requires the action of steam and compositions containing chemical reagents. Not only the quantitative but also the qualitative composition of mined oil and investigation of the effect of different methods of oil recovery play essential part. In the present work we studied the effect of compositions pumped into productive deposits on the composition of mined heavy highly viscous petroleum from the Usinsk deposit (Republic of Komi, Russia). The introduction of oil-sweeping compositions into the stratum was carried out at the experimental plots through injection or producing wells, which provided a substantial increase in oil output. Using a set of physicochemical analysis methods (liquid adsorption chromatography, GC-MS), we studied the dynamics of the changes in the group composition of saturated and cyclic hydrocarbons, heterorganic compounds, individual composition of alkanes from oil subjected to the action of compositions. The most significant increase in the content of aromatic hydrocarbons and heterorganic compounds in oil was observed with the use of Zagushchennaya NINKA composition. The action of IKhN_PRO composition caused an increase in alkane content in the group composition of oil. It was shown that redistribution of light (C10-C15) and high molecular mass (more than С16) homologues occurs among n- alkanes. The obtained results may promote deeper understanding of the processes occurring in the deposits as a result of the action of oil-sweeping compositions. Investigation of the effect of compositions on the composition of heavy highly viscous oil also allows one to control the quality of produced hydrocarbon raw material entering the processing facilities.