Regenerative heat exchanger with a periodic change in the airflow direction for room ventilation
M.I. Nizovtsev, V.Yu. Borodulin, and V.N. Letushko
Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia E-mail:">
Keywords: energy efficient ventilation, air-to-air heat exchanger, regenerative packing
Pages: 755–765
This paper presents
the results of experimental research of heat transfer in
air-to-air regenerative heat exchanger with periodic change of flow
direction. The temperatures of the airflow and the material
of regenerative packing in different sections have been obtained.
The temperature efficiency of the heat exchanger has been
determined at dif-ferent flow rates. The developed mathematical model
of the regenerative heat exchanger is described. It is shown that the model fairly well describes
the experimental results. Based on numerical studies the dependence
of thermal efficiency of the heat exchanger on
the airflow rate is determined. It is shown that changing the ratio
of the oppositely directed flow rates, it is possible to regulate
the temperature of the air flowing into the room.
The possibility of using the model for optimizing
the operational and design parameters of heat exchanger is
DOI: 10.1134/S086986431506011