A splitting algorithm for wavelet transforms of the Hermite splines of the seventh degree
Boris Mikhailovich Shumilov
Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building, Solyanaya sq., 2, 634003, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: эрмитовы сплайны, В«ленивыеВ» вейвлеты, неявные соотношения разложения, распараллеливание, Hermite splines, В«lazyВ» wavelets, implicit relations of decomposition, parallelization
In this paper, an implicit method of decomposition of 7-th degree Hermite splines to a series of «lazy» wavelets with displaced supports is investigated. A splitting algorithm for wavelet transforms of solving four five-diagonal s stems of linear equations with a strict diagonal dominance in parallel is justified. Results of numerical experiments on exactness for polynomials and on compression of spline-wavelet decomposition are presented.