Resistant hypertension: some aspects of pathogenesis
M.V. Kruchinina1, A.A. Gromov1, Ya. Sh Shvarts1, A.V. Rabko1, V.A. Baum1, V.M. Generalov2, V.N. Kruchinin3, S.V. Rykhlitskiy3, V.A. Volodin3
1FSBSI В«Institute of Internal and Preventive Medicine», 630089, Novosibirsk, Boris Bogatkov str., 175/1 2State Scientific Center of Virology and Biotechnology В«Vector», 633159, Kol’tsovo, Novosibirsk 3A.V. Rzhanov Institute of semiconductor physics SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Academik Lavrent’ev av., 13
Keywords: резистентная артериальная гипертензия (РАГ), гемоглобин, Раман-спектроскопия, ЯМР-спектроскопия, диэлектрофорез эритроцитов, resistant arterial hypertension, hemoglobin, Raman spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy, dilectionis of red blood cells
The work was devoted to studying the content of hemoglobin complexes, the level of energy-rich compounds, their relationship with the viscoelastic parameters of red blood cells in patients with resistant hypertension to identify possible pathogenetic features of the disease. Analysis of the processes have carried out on the basis of the methods of Raman spectroscopy (Raman), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and the method of Dielectrophoresis of erythrocytes (DEF) in a Non-Uniform Alternating Electric Field - effective, sensitive, non-destructive methods of investigation of different environments, proven in studies biological objects. Studies conducted in erythrocytes groups of subjects with arterial hypertension, including - resistant (42 people) and a comparison group (23 persons). The observed reduction in reserves of nitric oxide inside red blood cells, reducing its bioavailability associated with changes in the level and composition of intracellular energy compounds, viscoelastic parameters of red blood cells are probably one of the pathogenetic factors for the development of resistant hypertension and target for therapeutic intervention.