E. B. Ivanova, N. N. Kovalchuk, Yu. E. Shutko, O. E. Grishay
8, Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950
Keywords: образовательный процесс, модульное обучение, межпредметный кейс, разноуровневые задачи по физике, психологическое обоснование модульного обучения, educational process, modular education, inter-subject case, problems in physics of different levels of complexity, psychological substantiation of modular education
The article addressed the issues of inter-subject teaching of physics and chemistry at the General Education School. An inter-subject cases method is developed on the basis of the Modular teaching technology. The peculiarity of the method lies in the uniformity of tutorial manner used for teaching both physics and chemistry. It means that a package of educational materials (inter-subject case) is issued to students at the beginning of study of each module of physics and chemistry. The package includes a questionnaire (plan), a suggested reading list, a typical problem and a list of individual problems and tasks. An inter-subject case in physics also includes semantic structures of inter-subject contents in chemistry and vice versa, the module cases for studying chemistry contain semantic structures of inter-subject contents in physics. The psychological grounds for applying the method of inter-subject cases to the education process are developed in the article. Coordination of the inter-subject cases method with the theory of gradual forming of intellectual actions, as well as correspondence of the method with the factors of educative process efficiency are introduced in the article. Special tests have been developed and carried out by the authors, which included inter-subject tests and tasks. The test results have shown a high level of knowledge of inter-subject connections by the students who were taught by the method of inter-subject cases. For acknowledgement of correctness of evaluation, a method suggested by I.A. Kulak at the end of the last century was used. The final grades of the students obtained by them for the inter-subject tests were compared with the marks calculated using the method of I.A. Kulak. The marks had coincided in 99 cases out of 100. In such a way, the usage of the inter-subject cases method in the course of teaching physics and chemistry at General Education School is substantiated.