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"Philosophy of Education"

2015 year, number 5


A. G. Madzhuga, I. A. Sinitsina
Sterlitamak Branch of the Bashkir State University, 49, Lenina Ave., Sterlitamak, Russia, 453103
Keywords: ноумен, ноуменальная ментальность, фрактальная педагогика, фрактальный подход, принципы фрактальной педагогики, фрактальнось, культурно-феноменологический компонент фрактальной педагогики, полифоничная самость, noumenon, the noumenal mentality, fractal pedagogy, fractal approach, the fractal principles of pedagogy, fractality, cultural and phenomenological components of the fractal pedagogy, the polyphonic self


The ideas about education as a way to translating knowledge cannot meet the challenges of modernity, because the methodological principles and practical didactic forms, methods and means are more consistent with the paradigm of classical and non-classical rationality, while the post-non-classical reality puts forward different goals and priorities. The authors theoretically justify the need for introduction into the categorical apparatus of modern social and humanitarian knowledge of the concept of «fractal pedagogy», which will allow integrating the scientific and social-humanitarian understanding of the person as a multidimensional phenomenon, to justify the choice of means providing revealing the actual and potential possibilities and the self-realization of the person. This article conceptualizes the ideas of fractal pedagogy within the noumenal mentality; for the first time the concept of «fractal pedagogy» is defined, its basic principles are examined, the historical retrospective of the evolutionary transformation of man from the standpoint of the theory of fractals are given. The authors summarize that the subject of the post-industrial society will be not a homo economicus, which is characteristic for the era of industrialism and whose inherent qualities are purpose-oriented rationality, the desire to minimize costs with a maximum results, etc., but a homo creator, a «creative person», who constructs different social relationships and their own identity, who aspires to «be» rather than «to have» (to realize the internal potential, instead of moving in the direction imposed by the external social environment). According to the authors, one of the kinds of homo creator is a «health-creative» person focused on the effective use, preservation and development of his/her own natural potential, motivated toward achieving physical and psychological comfort. Thus, the modern person is a complex self-organizing fractal, transforming the world and integrating within him/herself various derivative fractals: «intelligent person, which produces labor tools», «playing person», «a person of high technologies in the sphere of manufacturing, management and training», «a person of high humanitarian technologies», «homo economicus», «a creative person» and «health-creative person».