R. G. Buyankina1, E.V. Zamiralova2, N. A. Knyazev3, M. V. Sokolovskaya1, O. M. Popova1
1Professor V. F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, 1, Partizana Zheleznyaka St., Krasnoyarsk, Russia, 660022 2Siberian State Technological University, 82, Mira Ave., Krasnoyarsk, Russia, 660049 3Academician M. F. Reshetnev Siberian State Space University, 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Ave., Krasnoyarsk, Russia, 660037
Keywords: качество образования, образовательная услуга, программы подготовки специалистов, показатели качества, quality of education, educational service, programs of specialist training, quality indicators
The experience of theoretical comprehension of the problems of training of highly qualified personnel in higher education of the country forces to address more often to the concept of «quality of education». To a certain degree, this concept has begun to play a key role in solving the topical problems of the domestic education. The purpose of the article is to find an explicate criterion, which allows differentiating between what to be considered qualitative and what, quantitative, and determining a dividing side between them. The authors sought to expand the connection between the methodological potential of the concept of «quality of education» and the parameters of educational process that first need a strict and concrete measurement and transferring this measurement into estimation points. As the criterion allowing estimating the quality of education, we chose the programs of specialist training in which the main «foundation» of educational service is laid. Having carried out the analysis of the external and internal models used for assessing the quality of programs of specialist training, the authors developed a personified assessment model using as a basis the state standard GOST R 52113-2003 «Services to the population. Quality indicators». For an educational complex, as one of types of the educational organization, application of this standard is possible because it renders a complex of educational services which are realized within the programs of training specialists, regulated by the federal state educational standards. According to the structure of the standard and a number of normative documents, we constructed a tree of quality indicators which allowed observing interrelations of all its elements and formed the basis of a model of determining the quality of programs of specialist training. Transferring of the qualitative evaluation of the corresponding criteria of the model to a quantitative component was achieved using the technique of assessment «Determining the quality level of the programs of specialist training». Thus, the quality indicators of the obtained model act as the objects for measurement. The use of these innovative tools, which presuppose using the model «The Quality Tree of the Programs of Specialist Training», allows analyzing and revealing the weak points and making timely and competent management decisions.