T. N. Gnitetskaya, Yu. E. Shutko, E. B. Ivanova, N. N. Kovalchuk
The Far Eastern Federal University, 8, Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950
Keywords: естественнонаучная картина мира, иерархические связи, предметные связи, процесс обучения физике, natural-scientific picture of the world, hierarchical relations, inter-disciplinary links, process of teaching physics
The article discusses the role and place of links in the natural-science picture of the world. It is found that the vectors of hierarchies of the inter-disciplinary connections in the structure of the worldview and in the content of the training material providing the formation of the students' worldview have opposite directions. The internal and external links not only provide connectivity of educational information of different disciplines of the natural-science, mathematical and social-economic cycles, but also contribute to the development of a holistic scientific picture of the world. The problem of determining the place of individual subjects in the education system, identifying the logical connections between basic and special disciplines, coordination and continuity in the presentation of educational material, methodological analysis of it - this problem is of a paramount importance for the effective implementation of intra- and inter-disciplinary links, whose contribution to the formation of scientific outlook cannot be overestimated. The development of a mechanism of using in the educational process of the intra- and inter-disciplinary links having a hierarchical structure is not only a task of practicing teachers, but also is of great methodological significance. The importance is revealed of the inter-disciplinary links in the joint mission of formation of a coherent scientific picture of the world. The modeling of these acquires a scientific character if it possesses a quantitative description. Analysis of the content of physical education, forms, methods and teaching processes carried out on the basis of studying the intra- and inter-disciplinary links cannot be complete if it is not supplemented with quantitative calculations. After all, it is exactly such an analysis that will enable to start the construction of an integrated science-based learning technology.