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"Philosophy of Education"

2015 year, number 5


V. I. Razumov1, V. P. Sizikov2
1F. M. Dostoevsky Omsk State University, 55-A, Mira Ave., Omsk, Russia, 644077
2Omsk State Transport University, 35, Marx Ave., Omsk, Russia, 644046
Keywords: Инсейфинг, интеллектоемкость, интеллектуальные технологии, категориальные схемы, кризис, линеаризация, наука и образование, новая эпоха, обучение, синтетическая картина мира, теория динамических информационных систем, Insafing, intellectual content, intellectual technologies, categorical schemes, crisis, linearization, science and education, new age, training, synthetic world view, theory of dynamic information systems


The main topics of the article are the place and role of science and education in the global systemic crisis, caused by the mankind entering into a new era. The strategies for the development of civilization have to be changed from the extensive to intensive ones. It requires a radical improvement of intelligence. The type of intelligence formed from antiquity is focused linearization of thinking, writing and speech, the predominance of analysis over synthesis, material and power paradigm in the formation of the world view, disagreement of the semantic and mathematical methods for organizing knowledge and advanced development of automation of calculations in comparison with the automation of reasoning. The XXI century is characterized by stagnation of science and education, reduced creativity, growing bureaucratization of institutions, which lose their role of actors, generating human and social technologies. New Intellectual Technologies could help to solve this set of problems. Experiences of their creation are based on the Categorical System Methodology, the Theory of Dynamic Information Systems. New Intellectual Technologies are characterized by the visualized determined ways of constructing Categorical Schemes. There are four types of operations to work on Categorical Schemes: 1) categorization of the subject area; 2) the formation on the basis of categories of a directed graph of the class of Dynamic Information Systems; 3) defining a process of information functioning on Dynamic Information Systems; 4) the construction of a simulation model. The possibility is considered to implement new Intellectual Technologies already at the level of categorization and the construction of the digraph (operations 1, 2). The example shows how one can obtain significant heuristic effects when working on the selection of keywords relative to existing material. The transition to communications is the next level in the development of new Intellectual Technologies. On the basis of the Theory of Dynamic Information Systems, we developed an organizational-business game, Insafing. It provides a combination of fundamental theoretical framework with the ability to organize intellectual communication in the development of any scientific, educational themes of the project. The article describes the methodology of Insafing, as well as the opportunities for its practical usage in the aspects of research, training, design. The conclusion is made about the prospects of work on creation and introduction of new Intellectual Technologies with the formation of a synthetic world view, which is based on unification of philosophy, physics and mathematics. It will provide favorable prospects for the mankind entering a new era.