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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2015 year, number 5

Structural Modifications of Birch (Betula pendula Roth.) Crown in Relation to Environmental Conditions

M. V. Kostina, N. S. Barabanshchikova, G. V. Bityugova, O. L. Yasinskaya, A. M. Dubakh
Sholokhov Moscow State University for Humanities, 109240, Moscow, Tashkentskaya str., 18
Keywords: Betula pendula, annual shoot, architectural unit, reiterated complex, environmental conditions


The structure and formation of the crown of Betula pendula Roth. were studied from the perspective of the concept of architectural models and reiteration concept. Some peculiarities in formation and structure of an architectural unit and reiterated complexes due to total, partial, delayed, immediate, traumatic and automatic reiterations were detected. The specifics of these processes under different lighting conditions were identified. The trees crown structure in adverse environmental conditions in cities was studied. It was established that ecological plasticity and ontogenetic polyvariety of B. pendula were mostly determined by reiteration processes.