Total ozone content variability and trends during 1979−2014
A.M. Zvyagintsev1, P.N. Vargin1, S. Peshin2
1Central Aerological Observatory, ul. Pervomayskaya, 3, Dolgoprudnyiy g., Mosk. Obl., 141700, Russia 2Center for Monitoring and Environmental Research, India Meteorological Department, New Delhi, 110003, India
Keywords: общее содержание озона, изменения озонового слоя, тренд озона, циркуляция стратосферы, метод множественной регрессии, total ozone content, ozone layer changes, ozone trend, circulation of atmosphere, multiple regression analysis
Long-term variability and trends of total ozone content (TOC) over the period 1979-2014 are analyzed using monthly mean total ozone ERA-Interim reanalysis data and TOMS/SBUV/OMI satellite data. Influence of Arctic and Antarctic oscillation (AO and AAO), quasi-biennial oscillation of zonal wind in tropical stratosphere (QBO), El-Nino Southern oscillation (ENSO), poleward heat fluxes (HF), solar activity (SA), equivalent effective chlorine loading (EESC), and volcanic aerosol (VA) in stratosphere on the variability of global mean and averaged over different latitudinal belts TOC was investigated. Our results show that the variability of global TOC may be satisfactory described by EESC and SA. The inclusion in the regression of QBO, AO, AAO, HF, ENSO and VA is necessary to describe TOC variability in certain latitudinal belts more accurately.