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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2015 year, number 4

Normalization of the Concentrations of Heavy Metals with Respect to Lithium in Bottom Sediments of Lakes Ladozhskoye and Chetyrekhverstnoye (Republic of Karelia)

Institute of Geology, Karelian Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ul. Pushkinskaya 11, Petrozavodsk 185910 (Russia)
Keywords: тяжелые металлы, литий, донные отложения озер, нормирование, антропогенный фактор, heavy metals, lithium, lake bottom sediments, normalization, anthropogenic factor


Data on the concentrations of heavy metals and lithium in the bottom sediments of Lakes Ladozhskoye (northern region) and Chetyrekhverstnoye (Petrozavodsk) are reported. The dependence of the concentrations of studied microelements on sampling depth and a correlation between lithium and heavy metals in the studied samepls of lake sediments were demonstrated. It was proved that lithium nay be used for granulometric normalization of the concentrations of heavy metals in the studied water objects and thus it may be used to evaluate the level of techynogenic pollution of lakes in Karelia. Higher level of the pollution of bottom sediments in the city Lake Chetyrekhverstnoye by lead, copper and nickel in comparison with the sediments of Lake Ladozhskoye was detected, while the sediments in Lake Ladozhskoe were found to be polluted with zinc to a higher extent.