The density and thermal expansion of dysprosium in the temperature range 110–1950 K
Yu.M. Kozlovskii and S.V. Stankus
Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: coefficient of thermal expansion, density, dysprosium, solid and liquid states, the Neel point
Pages: 501–508
The results of dilatometric studies of thermal coefficient of linear expansion of dysprosium in the temperature range 110-1950 K are presented. The measurements were performed with an accuracy of (1.5-2.0)·10-7 K-1. The approximation dependences of thermal
coefficient of linear expansion were obtained. The reference tables of dysprosium
thermal properties for the range 110-1950 K of solid and liquid states were constructed
using the previous results obtained by the gamma method. The character of
thermal coefficient of linear expansion changes in the area of the Neel
point has been established. Its critical exponents and the critical
amplitudes have been determined. It is shown
that both above and below the Neel temperature, the experimental data cannot be
processed with a single scaling equation. A comparison with the
published data has been performed.