Steam-water flow in
geothermal wells
A.N. Shulyupin1В and A.A. Chermoshentseva2
1Mining Institute FEB RAS, Khabarovsk, Russia
2Kamchatka State Technical University, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskii, Russia
Keywords: steam-water flow, well, feeding zone, hot-water reservoir, mathematical model, flow rate
Pages: 475–480
A mathematical model was developed for calculation
of steam-water flow in a geothermal well for the feeding interval. The model
assumes a variable mass flow rate over the channel length. The basis for this
model are the flow continuity equation, momentum and energy conservation
equations, taken with account for variable mass flow. The model was implemented as a computer code
suitable for calculation of flow parameters upstream (downward the top level of
the feeding zone). Then this model was applied for wells in the Mutnovskii
geothermal field, this revealed a
geyser-type mechanism of flow instabilities with the pressure oscillation
period about ten minutes. The remedy for these oscillations was