Control of turbulent boundary layer through air blowing due to external-flow resources
V.I. Kornilov, A.V. Boiko, and I.N. Kavun
Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia E-mail:
Keywords: control, turbulent boundary layer, plate, intake, finely perforated surface, blowing, skin friction
Pages: 413–426
The possibility to control turbulent incompressible boundary layer using air blowing through a finely perforated wall presenting part of the streamlined flat-plate surface was examined. The control was exercised via an action on the state and characteristics of the near-wall flow exerted by controlled (through variation of external-pressure-flow velocity) blowing of air through an air intake installed on the idle side of the plate. A stable reduction of the local values of skin friction coefficient along the model, reaching 50 % at the end of the perforated area, has been demonstrated. The obtained experimental and calculated data are indicative of a possibility to model the process of turbulent-boundary-layer control by air blowing due to external-flow resources.