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Humanitarian sciences in Siberia

2015 year, number


S. N. Lyutov, Ye.N. Savenko
State Public Scientific-Technological Library of SB RAS (SPSTL SB RAS), 15 Voskhod St., Novosibirsk, 630200
Keywords: Great Patriotic War, Siberia, the history of books, regional book publishing, military book


Each next anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War gives reason for presenting the new research findings that reveal previously unknown pages of the War and don’t let the memory of the past century’s greatest tragedy fade away. As fewer and fewer war veterans and eyewitnesses remain alive, the value of documentary sources increases, because they contain important information about the War. Among these «history keepers» the most accessible are the books published during the war, which, in turn, deserve special study. The purpose of this article is to summarize the materials reflecting regional aspects of the history of Siberian book publishing industry in 1941-1945. The research findings introduced into scientific circulation confirm that the book industry in the region worked together with the rest of the country in a joint effort to do «Everything for the front, everything for victory!». During the War specifics of publishing activities in the region were determined primarily by the changing subject matter of printed materials, as well as by evacuation of publishing agencies and houses from the country’s western regions, along with the influx of evacuated intellectuals. The paper analyzes specific features of Siberian book publishing during the war; traces the book production dynamics during that time; reviews sample editions reflecting main thematic focuses. The author identifies new statistical data on military editions issued by the Krasnoyarsk branch of the Military Publishing Office in 1941-1944. These data haven’t been previously taken into account and suggest upward revision of statistics on the regional book publishing.