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Scientific journal “Vestnik NSUEM”

2015 year, number 2


N.V. Voronova
Kazan Scientific Research Technological University, Karl Marx st., 68, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, 420015
Keywords: автотранспортное обеспечение региона, классификация автомобильных дорог, структура и возрастной состав автотранспорта, ремонтные мощности, ремонтные операции, transport provision in the region, classification of roads, structure and age structure of vehicles, repair facilities, repair operations


The article is devoted to the methodology of the survey of transport security in the region. The research is carried out in relation to the enterprises of the automotive industry. Process transportation support activities road transport enterprises is often not comprehensively, without proper information and analytical support, which necessitates the application of the presented methodology. Analysis of the current state of the market in road traffic in the region is the basis for the development of marketing policy and may affect the strategy of development of transport enterprises, which are defined in the long term.