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Scientific journal “Vestnik NSUEM”

2015 year, number 2


S. Adžić, N. Miloshev
University of Novi Sad, Segedinski put 9-11, Subotica, 24000, Republic of Serbia
Keywords: Воеводина, аграрное производство, инновационная система, тренды технологического развития аграрного производства в Европейском cоюзе, Voevodyno, agrarian production, innovation system, trends of technological development of agrarian production in the European Union


The key idea of the article is the research of the issues and ways of transformation of the innovation system as a way of revival of agrarian production in the process of preparation of Serbia and Voevodyno for the European integration. The thesis under debate is the low efficiency of the innovation system in the agrarian field in Voevodyno, and foremost, the revealed macroeconomic phenomenon of inconsistency between natural and labor resources, way of their organization and national socioeconomic terms of their application. The main focus in on: 1) the analysis of trends of technological development of agrarian production of the European Union and their influence on the structure of the regional innovation system, 2) definitions of restrictions and standards (norms) of the optimal structure of the innovation system, consistent with the needs of the agrarian production of Voevodyno and 3) the analysis of the structural features of the innovation system of the regional agrarian field.