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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2015 year, number 7

Studies of IR absorption ozone spectra between 2000 and 2015

S.N. Mikhailenko
V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, 1, Academician Zuev square, Tomsk, 634021, Russia
Keywords: ozone molecule, high resolution absorption spectra, spectral line parameters, IR spectral region, HITRAN, S&MPO


An overview of studies on the high-resolution vibration-rotation absorption spectra of ozone molecule and its isotopologues which made after 2000 is presented. The characteristic of the modern lists of the ozone line parameters in spectroscopic databases HITRAN, GEISA and S&MPO is done. The accuracy of the spectral line parameters (centers, intensities, and half-widths) received to date is analyzed in the paper.