Flow of polydisperse gas-particle mixture in a duct followed by coagulation in a nonlinear wave field
A.L. Tukmakov1, R.I. Bayanov2, and D.A. Tukmakov2
1 Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Kazan, Russia
2 Institute of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering of the Kazan Scientific Center of RAS, Kazan, Russia
E-mail: tukmakov@mail.knc.ru
Keywords: acoustic resonator, NavierпЂStokes equations, motion equations for polydisperse gas-particle mixture, explicit MacCormack scheme, nonlinear and discontinuous oscillations, coagulation of particles
Pages: 305–311
Numerical simulation of the flow of an aerosol of polydisperse composition in a plane duct, where the resonance acoustic oscillations are generated, which are directed across the flow, has been carried out. The peculiarities of the flow, which is followed by coagulation and alteration of the distribution of particles over their sizes, have been described. The carrying medium has been modeled with the aid of the system of NavierStokes equations for compres-sible heat-conducting gas. The polydisperse phase dynamics is described by the systems of equations involving the equations of continuity, conservation of the momentum and internal energy. Equations of the motion of carrying medium and disperse fractions are written with allowance for interphase exchange by the momentum and energy. A Lagrangian model has been used to describe the coagulation process. The dispersion alteration in the gas-particle flow under the action of acoustic oscillations, which are resonant for the duct cross section, is analyzed.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1134/S086986431503004X