Landau instability at liquid film evaporation
Yu.B. Zudin
a:2:{s:4:"TEXT";s:94:"National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: Landau problem, evaporation front, pulsations of mass velocity, asymptotic approach of Landau, stability boundary
Pages: 285–296
The Landau problem on the evaporation front stability is generalized to the case of finite thickness of the evaporating liquid layer. The analysis of the influence of additional factors, the impermeability condition of solid wall and resulting pulsations of mass velocity, is carried out. Parametric calculations of the stability boundary are performed when changing the liquid film thickness and the relationship between phase densities in the framework of asymptotic Landau approach for the Reynolds number Re > 1. Approximate evaluation of the influence of liquid viscosity on the stability boundary has been done.