Regimes of two-phase flow in micro- and minichannels (review)
E.A. Chinnov, F.V. Ron’shin, and O.A. Kabov
Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: two-phase flow, flat channel, microchannel
Pages: 265–284
The review deals with the analysis of the factors affecting the boundaries of two-phase regimes in the channels of different cross sections, whose minimal size is less than the capillary constant. The channels are classified by size. Data for two-phase flow regimes are systematized and summarized in tables for the round and rectangular tubes. It is indicated that the most studies identify the following two-phase flow regimes: bubble, slug and annular. The regimes found in some papers are described. The terminology used to describe the regimes is kept. Here we analyze the main factors affecting the structure of the two-phase flow, such as gas and liquid flow rates, parameters of the channel and input section, wettability of the inner surface of channels, liquid properties, and gravitational forces. It is shown that development of instability of the two-phase flow has a significant impact on formation, evolution, and change of the flow regimes.