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Scientific journal “Vestnik NSUEM”

2015 year, number 1


M.F. Tyapkina, E.A. Ilyina
Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Molodezhnyj per., 1 korp. 1, Molodezhnyj, Irkutsk Region, 664038
Keywords: финансовый потенциал предприятия, системный подход к управлению, financial capacity of the enterprise, system approach to management


The article presents a comparative characteristic interpretations definition «financial capacity», as well as the author’s approach to the interpretation of the term. Based on this definition, a systematic approach to the management of financial potential of the enterprise, taking into account the internal (state capital structure of the enterprise, the quality of management of existing assets, the level of accounts receivable and payable, the level of financial stability, public financial support, the level of financial reserves, the quality of management decision-making, dividend policy) and external (for available and cheap resources, natural conditions, inflation, fiscal policy, investment climate in the region) factors is proposed. Special attention is paid to the formation of sources of information resources for the management of the financial potential of the enterprise, including accounting, financial and economic statistical information, information institutions of the banking system, other. Also the stages of a systems approach to the management of financial potential of the enterprise: diagnostics enterprise financial performance, evaluation of structural dynamics of financial indicators, monitoring financial performance of the company was discussed in article in detail.