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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2015 year, number 2

Adaptation of Epilthic Ferns on Different Level of Structural Organization

Oryol State University, 302026, Oryol, Komsomolskaya str., 95
Keywords: platylithophytes, chasmophytes, dwarfness, geophytization, poikilohydry


Adaptive strategies of sporophytes of epilithic ferns were identified on the basis of research studies and literature data. Complex analysis of photosynthetic apparatus of the plants was carried out on different levels of its organization: frond, mesophyll cells and plastids. The sporophytes’ adaptation to the environment was also characterized on different levels of organization. Two morphofunctional (MFT) and two physiological-functional types (PFT) of ferns were isolated based on their adaptability to epilithic way of living. This division reflects the adaptive peculiarities of ferns in certain biomes.