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Journal of Mining Sciences

2015 year, number 1

Delineation of Soil Body Area Exposed to Thermal Effect of Subway Stations and Tunnels

Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnyi pr. 54, Novosibirsk, 630091 Russia
Keywords: subway, thermal effect zone, temperature, station, tunnel, soil


The mathematical model is developed for describing temperature variation in soil body surrounding subway stations and tunnels, considering seasonal variation of air flow, soil freezing-thawing and induced heat flow from the subway. Using the finite element method, the authors calculate temperature field in soil body surrounding subway stations and tunnels at various depths under change in the atmospheric air temperature. Based on the numerical experiments, the thermal effect of shallow subway stations and tunnels on the surrounding soil body is estimated. The article offers the estimation procedure for delineation of influence zone of subway structures on temperature of surrounding soil. It is found that the zone of thermal effect of a subway structure grows with the depth of the subway structure occurrence. The dimension of the mentioned zone is conditioned by amount of heat produced in the underground structures of subway.