PUBLISHING ACTIVITIES OF SOCIAL REVOLUTIONARIES IN PARIS IN 1919 - 1921 (As Exemplified by the Periodical В«Pour la Russie»)
E. M. Lbova
State Public Scientific Technical Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPSTL SB RAS), Russia, 630200, Novosibirsk, Voshod str., 15
Keywords: emigration, Russian Emigration, publishing activity, periodical, newspaper, information bulletin, Socialist Revolutionary Party, S.R
Based on the archival materials the article reconstructs the history of Pour la Russie , a periodical published by the Socialist Revolutionaries; analyzes its editorial stuff, team of authors, cooperation with printing houses, distribution and pricing of the newspaper. Pour la Russie supervised by O. S. Minor, V. M. Zenzinov, V. I. Lebedev, E. A. Stalinskiy was the first edition published by the members of Socialist Revolutionary party in Paris after the October Revolution of 1917. This newspaper was designed for foreign readers and aimed at reviewing and analyzing the social and political situation in Russia from the editors’ point of view. However, it was much more popular among Russian emigrants which forced the editorial staff to issue Pour la Russie in two languages: French and Russian. Unfortunately, the conditions of economic instability hampered the implementation of this idea. Thus, the Russian-language version was never published while the French version since September 1920 became an information bulletin. Pour la Russie existed only for two years but the former staff successfully used this experience for editing and publishing the following issues: The Will of Russia and the Days . An attempt to reconstruct the history of Pour la Russie allowed to reveal typical problems the Russian emigrants faced in France after the October Revolution. The main problems were as follows: shortage of money, persistent increase in prices of expendable materials, and lack of demand among potential readers. Any of these factors could lead to transfer of the edition to another country of Europe or its shutdown. Analysis of the archival materials from the fond of editoral board of Pour la Russie helps to understand problems of development of the Russian emigrants’ publishing business in 1919-1921.