V.S. Shmakov
Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IFL SB RAS), Russia, 630090, Novosibirsk, Akad. Nikolaev str., 8
Keywords: modernization, transformation processes, methodology, rural socium, socioeconomic processes, adaptation strategies, traditions, innovations
The article analyzes the effects of modernization on the changing socioeconomic living conditions of rural population. On the materials of sociological monitoring of the development of rural society the author has developed methods for studying behavioral reactions of the rural population; determined the main adaptation strategies under the conditions of socioeconomic transformations; revealed the three stages of transformational changes in the socioeconomic development of agricultural production. Analysis of the dynamics of development of Siberia’s agricultural regions shows that social and innovation processes have increasingly influenced the development of the Siberian village, life of different groups of rural population, the process of formation of new value orientations and new social standards. Institutional basis of socio-economic transformations in Siberian village was provided by the destruction of the whole system of social relations. Liberalization, expansion of social freedom, introduction of market relations, development of the new forms of property changed the entire way of life of the rural population, the entire system of social and economic life. These processes resulted in formation of a mixed agricultural economy, increase in labor productivity and GDP growth, development of a broad agricultural market. In the Russian rural society, on the level of mass orientations, the passive adaptation strategies are being rejected, since they have exhausted their resources and have not met the challenges of a changing socio-economic situation. They are not able to encourage the population to make full use of available resources and to implement the most successful adaptation strategies. In the context of reducing share of revenues from personal farms, due to the loss of their marketability, the rural population is forced to seek the new sources of survival.