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Humanitarian sciences in Siberia

2014 year, number


N.A. Starukhin
Institute of History of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IH SB RAS), Russia, 630090, Novosibirsk, Akad. Nikolaev str., 8
Keywords: Old-believers, group of Belokrinitskie believers, eschatology, apologetics, polemic, the third Book of Prophet Ezdra


The article introduces into scientific circulation the original essay written by the peasant writer G.A. Strakhovin the 1890s. It addresses eschatological views of the Belokrinitskiy apologist, their specificity. Analysis of eschatological issues allows to better represent the original manner of G. Strakhov, his historiosophical views and ideological origins as well as to better understand the inter-confessional polemic, literature and ideology of this consent in the second half of the XIX century. The author concludes that the Siberian writer’s work was influenced by his own experience of belonging to other confessions as well as by the literary heritage of some of the Belokrinitskie writers, particularly, an ordained monk Arseniy (Shvetsov). The latter’s works were met with a mixed reception by his coreligionists in a period under review and from time to time caused heated disputes which, supposedly, had definite consequences for Strakhov himself. The apologist expanded the range of traditional literary sources by adding secular writings and synodal editions what is considered a specific feature of his work. The new sources used by the writer were perceived somewhat differently among the Old-Believers. Actualization of the past with due regard to the contemporary developments was typical of Strakhov’s works (as of the Old-Believers’ literature in general). The writer correlated the Bible texts with the Russian reality infusing his writing with social and political topicality. The paper shows that Strakhov reckoned with the general situation in the Belokrinitskiy Consent that came about by the time of creating his work. That period of time was marked by the the metropolitan merchants’ growing influence over the “Austrians”. On the other hand, the government pressure on the leaders of the Belokrinitskie communities increased and they had to resort to the tactics of compromises which affected the ideology of the group.