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Humanitarian sciences in Siberia

2014 year, number


N.P. Matkhanova
Institute of History of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IH SB RAS), Russia, 630090, Novosibirsk, Akad. Nikolaev str., 8
Keywords: Northern areas of West Siberia, Arctic, XIX century, Beryozovskiy district, indigenous population, administration, officials, G.Kh.Gasford, V.A.Artsimovich, G.A.Kolpakovskiy


The article considers the role played by certain West-Siberian administrators in the XIX century, both military and civilian, in implementation of the policy aimed at development of the Northern territories under their jurisdiction. It is noted that they demonstrated mostly passive or indifferent attitudes towards the North, greed for gain, toadied to their bosses for promotion. However some of these administrators adhered to the ideas of paternalism and modernization. The author addresses concerns brought up by the governors and governors-general of Western Siberia: low level of economic development, sparsity, poverty, ignorance and diseases of population, difficulties in collecting the yasak (fur tribute). They proposed their own solutions foreseeing the improvement of means of communication, Christianization and enlightenment, development of fishing industry, regulation of the relationships between the indigenous population (“inorodtsy”) and the Russian fishery managers, revision of personnel policy and improvement of the system of administration. The author deals with several specific proposals: participation of V.A. Artsimovich in the attempt to implement the project of V.N. Latkin and M.K. Sidorkin on the construction of the Ob-Pechora Canal and participation of N.G. Kaznakov in investigating the possibility of a sea route to Siberia; D.n. Bantysh-Kamenskiy’s decision to send doctors to the Northern territories; G.Kh.Gasford’s quest for a compromise in the controversies between the Russians and the natives. Special attention is paid to the appointment of G.A. Kolpakovskiy, head of the military district, to the Beryozovskiy district and his activity. The author notes the significance of geopolitical situation and the government’s choice between the policy of preserving the special system of “inorodtsy” administration or its unification with the general imperial administration. It is emphasized that personal qualities of administrators affected the intensity and range of their participation in the Northern territories development.