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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2015 year, number 1

Utilization of the Wastes from Polybutadiene Production Containing 4–Vinylcyclohexene

N. S. Nikulina1, L. N. Stadnik2, I. N. Pugacheva2, S. S. Nikulin2
1Voronezh Institute of State Fire Service of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ul. Krasnoznamennaya, 231, Voronezh 394052, Russia
2Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, Prospekt Revolyutsii, 19, Voronezh 394036, Russia
Keywords: polybutadiene, 4–vinylcyclohexene, styrene, copolymerization, oligomer, additive


Recovery of low mass molecular copolymers based on styrene and unsaturated compounds, present in the bottoms from the purification of recurrent solvent of polybutadiene production, in the presence of aluminium chloride was investigated. It was shown that the toluene solution of low molecular mass copolymers can be used in the production of polybutadiene for the preparation of antioxidant solution.