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The journal "Ateroskleroz"

2014 year, number 4

Features of various cardiac markers in the diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome (review)

N.N. Yarohno, M.S. Novikova, M.I. Voevoda
Research Institute of Internal and Preventive Medicine of SB RAMS, 630089, Novosibirsk, Boris Bogatkov str., 175/1
Keywords: acute coronary syndrome, myocardial infarction, cardiomegaly, troponin I, troponin T, ANP, BNP, NT pro-BNP


Currently, the incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD) in the countries of the European Region and North America, one million of the population accounts for 30-40 thousand of patients, and the mortality rate of 700.000 cases per year. The most severe manifestation of ischemic heart disease - acute myocardial infarction (AMI). In Russia, in recent years the death rate from AMI is approximately 40 %. However, about 20 % of patients die in dimensional stage, 12-18 % of patients during treatment in the hospital, with almost 50 % of all lethaltion outcomes of the first month of the current AMI occur within the first hours of the disease.