Woodland: Geographical and Forest Inventory Indications and Criteria
R. A. Ziganshin
V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Academgorodok, 50/28, Krasnoyarsk, 660036 Russian Federation kedr@ksc.krasn.ru
Keywords: woodland, South Baikal region, forest type, type of mixing, representativeness, indicators and criteria
The definition of woodland is discussed. The structure and dynamics of forestland are considered on the example of the Tankhoisky forestry district in the South Baikal region. In particular, we consider the representation in the woodland series of forest types, forest inventory compartments by series of forest types, the types of tree species' mixing in the birch forest types. The distribution of all forest types by the productivity classes is done. The age dynamics of tree species' composition and tree stand timber stock is considered for the most representative forest types. The characteristics of natural regeneration in this woodland is presented. The features of forest management and forestry regime for the first group of mountain forests in the Baikal lake basin are discussed. In conclusion the geographical and forest inventory features, criteria and materials describing the forest are enumerated.