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Region: Economics and Sociology

2014 year, number 3

Developmental Trends in Energy and Heat Supply in Irkutsk Oblast

Valeriy Stennikov, Ivan Postnikov, Tatiana Dobrovolskaya
Energy Systems Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Irkutsk
Keywords: region, electric and thermal energy, consumption and production, fuel and energy balance, methods of medium-term forecasting


Basing on a systematic approach, the paper analyzes consumption and production of electric and thermal energy in Irkutsk Oblast and shows relations between economy and energy development. Contrast scenarios form prospective fuel and energy balances of the region. We have chosen the model describing how the regional energy development sector should preferably function and have made medium-term quantitative estimation for development levels of energy and heat consumption and the coating structure of electric charge. The article identifies deficit of electric power and proposes ways to reduce it. We consider whether it is reasonable to shift coal-fired stations to a combined (gas and vapor) cycle. The paper also present economic assessment of activities which aim to develop energy and heat supply systems in Irkutsk Oblast. We substantiate long-term development trends in the energy sector.