Innovative Modernization of the Economy in the Arctic Territory in Eastern Yakutia: Problems and Solutions
Viktoria Kharitonova, Irina Vizhina
Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Novosibirsk
Keywords: the Arctic territory, Eastern Yakutia, life support systems, diagnosis, comprehensive territorial megaproject, state coordination of investing activities, public-private partnership, modernization, innovation infrastructure
The analysis carried out in the paper has identified what major social and economic development problems are faced by the Arctic territory in Eastern Yakutia. The article defines the ways of how to draw the settlements of this area out of a major economic depression within the context of the state program «Social and Economic Development for the Arctic Territories of the Russian Federation till 2020». We suggest a comprehensive territorial megaproject as an approach of how to work out a strategy to modernize the economy of a region. This paper illustrates the fact that a megaproject of this kind could be used as a tool in strategic analysis of resource limitations, as well as for time and space coordination of social and regional projects concerning transport and energy infrastructure with investment projects and plans of mining companies.