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Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves

2014 year, number 4

On the Presence of States with a Negative GrГјneisen Parameter in Overdriven Explosion Products

A. B. Medvedev1,2
1Institute of Experimental Physics, VNIIEF, Sarov, 607188 Russia
2Sarov Physical-Technical Institute, Sarov, 607186 Russia
Keywords: equation of state, GrГјneisen parameter, explosive, explosion products, shock adiabat, isentrope, speed of sound


Experimental data on the properties of explosion products in overdriven detonation for 50/50 TNT/RDX and PBX-9502 explosives indicate conditions characterized by a negative Grüneisen parameter. Given a possible relationship of this anomaly with the properties of explosion product components, available experimental data for nitrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and water are analyzed. The first three of these (carbon dioxide specifically) are capable of manifesting a negative Grüneisen parameter at pressures and temperatures characteristic of the anomaly of overdriven explosion products.