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Advanced Search

Numerical Analysis and Applications

2014 year, number 2

Numerical-analytical modeling of wave fields for complex subsurface geometries and structures

B.G. Mikhailenko, A.G. Fatyanov
Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS, pr. Lavrentjeva, 6, Novosibirsk, Russia, 630090
Keywords: mathematical modeling, analytical solution, full wave fields, primary waves, elastic, non-elastic, anisotropic-non-elastic, porous, random-inhomogeneous media


In this paper we propose an analytical method of modeling seismic wave fields for a wide range of geophysical media: elastic, non-elastic, anisotropic, anisotropic-non-elastic, porous, random-inhomogeneous, etc. for super-remote (far) distances. As finite difference approximations are not used, there is no grid dispersion when computing wave fields for arbitrary media models and observation points. The analytical solution representation in the spectral domain makes possible to carry out the analysis of a wave field in parts, specifically, to obtain the primary waves. Based on the developed program of computing the wave fields, we have carried out the simulation of water waves and seismic «ringing» on the Moon. The monotone displacement resonant to the lower frequency area with increasing the recording distance has been explained. Such a displacement was detected in experiments with a seismic vibrator.