Studying of variations of atmospheric aerosol properties caused by large-scale forest fires in Central Yakutia (2002)
O.A. Tomshin1, V.S. Solovyev1
Yu.G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, 677980, Yakutsk, 31, Lenina ave
Keywords: forest fires, aerosols, emissions, remote sensing
Aerosol optical thickness and aerosol index variations caused by large-scale forest fires in Central Yakutia in 2002 were studied by remote sensing data (NOAA, Terra, Earth Probe). Total emissions of CO2, CO, CH4 etc. were calculated using modeling approach and MODIS/Terra burned area data. A comparison of total emissions from forest fires in Central Yakutia with global fire and volcanic emissions are made. Long-range transport events of aerosol particles during maximum activity of forest fires are examined.