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Russian Geology and Geophysics

2014 year, number 4


A.V. Ladynin
Novosibirsk State University, ul. Pirogova, 2, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Keywords: Main geomagnetic field, eccentric dipoles, instability of dipole representation, initial values, constraints, wüstite, systems of currents in the lower mantle
Subsection: GEOPHYSICS


The parameters of 15 arbitrary dipoles that, in aggregate, represent the main geomagnetic field (MGF) are estimated to obtain information on the distribution of MGF sources within the Earth in the form of dipoles with an arbitrary position and value of the magnetic moment vector. For an adequate estimation of the results, the method of obtaining the data is described, including: the eccentric dipole model and the derivation of the basic formulas for the magnetic field components of an arbitrary dipole; the method of estimating the parameters of these dipoles, including the computational scheme and optimization method; necessary constraints on the dipole parameters and a justification of the choice of the initial values in the optimization fitting of the parameters. The results are presented as a map of the location of the centers of the dipoles and their northern axial poles for the epochs 1955 and 2005 and plots of changes in all six parameters of 15 dipoles for 50 years. Most of the dipole centers are located in the lower mantle. The results suggest the existence of current systems in the lower mantle that produce dipole magnetic fields. These currents are provided by the high conductivity of wüstite, an important component of the mantle, which, at a depth of 1000–2200 km, transforms to the low-spin state of iron with increased density and electrical conductivity.