Computer Simulation of Effective Viscosity of Fluid-Proppant Mixture Used in Hydraulic Fracturing
V. A. KUZKIN1,2,3, A. M. KRIVTSOV1,2,3, A. M. LINKOV1,3
1Rzeszow University of Technology, al. PlowstaЕ„cГіwWarszawy 12, RzeszГіw, 35-959 Poland 2Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University, ul. Politekhnicheskaya 29, Saint-Petersburg, 195251 Russia 3Institute for Problems of Mechanical Engineering, Russian Academy of Sciences, Bolshoi pr. V.O. 61, Saint-Petersburg, 199178 Russia
Keywords: проппант, гидроразрыв, эффективные свойства, вязкость, суспензия, метод динамики частиц, метод гидродинамики сглаженных частиц, proppant transport, hydraulic fracture, effective properties, viscosity, suspension, particle dynamics, smoothed particle hydrodynamics
The paper presents results of numerical experiments performed to evaluate the effective viscosity of a fluid-proppant mixture, used in hydraulic fracturing. The results, obtained by two complimenting methods (the particle dynamics and the smoothed particle hydrodynamics), coincide to the accuracy of standard deviation. They provide an analytical equation for the dependence of effective viscosity on the proppant concentration, needed for numerical simulation of the hydraulic fracture propagation.