Publishing House SB RAS:

Publishing House SB RAS:

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Advanced Search

Region: Economics and Sociology

2014 year, number 1

Innovation Market in Siberia: Limits and Capacities

Galina Untura1,2
1IEIE, SB RAS, Novosibirsk
2Novosibirsk State National Research University
Keywords: Siberia, science, education, technologies, investments, innovations, technological platforms, clusters, regional branches of the RAS


The paper analyzes the contradictory features of the Siberian development which do not fully reflect what Siberia contributes to the growth of the country's economy. We consider several investment preconditions which would allow new industrialization in Siberia and the Far East, and what our science and innovations could contribute to the SFD regional development. We describe how regional branches of the RAS could be involved in scientific supervising a number of technological platforms and clusters to enhance the development of the new and traditional sectors in the eastern regions of the country and how the existed and potential forms of regional branches of the RAS could cooperate with other participants of innovation activities for this purpose.