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Region: Economics and Sociology

2014 year, number 1

Labour Productivity Dynamics: Regional Aspects

Nadezhda Mikheyeva
Council for the Study of Productive Forces, Moscow
Keywords: labour productivity, regions, economic growth, wage, spatial proportions, structural shifs, regional employment, regional differentiation


The paper considers the techniques for measuring and assessing regional labour productivity and its dynamics and differences. It compares the results obtained by applying the different techniques, and can state that the trends identified according to different methods, display a little difference. Only the indicator of a real labour productivity compared to wage shows a higher difference and results in higher ratings of the regions where wages are relatively low. A high share of extractive industries in regions is a key factor of a high labour productivity. The labour productivity and its dynamics show a strong sectoral difference. The growth of a total labour productivity in regions can be explained by the increased efficiencies but not by relocation of production and labour forces to the regions with higher indicators of efficiency.