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Scientific journal “Vestnik NSUEM”

2013 year, number 4


E. Gerhardt, O. Bogdanov
Keywords: Reverse Business Engineering, Business-IT-Alignment, reverse engineering, business processes


The use of information systems in business implies on the one hand that IT-systems are constantly adapting to the requirements of the company as business processes are changing all the time. On the other hand business processes should be aligned with technical capacities of IT-systems as they develop very quickly. This approach is called Business-IT Alignment in IT management. Unfortunately the reality is there are significant gaps and weaknesses in the management and use of information systems. This leads to the decrease of efficiency and effectiveness of the business processes support. Reverse Business Engineering or to be more exact regular diagnostics used in the IT area can help to fill in the gap between business and IT by tracking transaction data, logfiles, and user behavior. This approach requires a comprehensive analysis of information systems to determine system modification, unused capacities, business process deviations, etc. So, fixing weaknesses that were found in this way in information systems and business processes improves dynamic business strategy support and increases competitiveness.