Scalable Fault-Tolerant Environment for Controlling Complex Technological Objects Based on a Peer-to-Peer Distributed Architecture
R. V. Nestulya, O. V. Serdyukov, A. N. Skvortsov
Institute of Automation and Electrometry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, pr. Akademika Koptyuga 1, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia
Keywords: Fast Ethernet, Modbus, ISaGRAF, process control system (PCS), real-time peer-to-peer distributed control environment (PDCE), control computer (CC), computer-process interface (CPI), Fast Ethernet, Modbus, ISaGRAF
A new approach to distributed control systems (DCS’s) designed for automation of large, functionally complex technological objects with a large volume of input/output channels up to 104 and more is developed and tested. The novelty of the proposed approach is to apply a common information highway for the interaction of all elements of the control system (input/output devices, control computers, workstations, and servers) or peer-to-peer distributed control environment (PDCE). The results are implemented in the Tornado-N DCS and applied in a number of power plants in Russia and abroad. The advantages of control systems with the PDCE architecture in flexibility, scalability, fault-tolerance, and performance over the classical multilevel systems are confirmed in practice.