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Numerical Analysis and Applications

2013 year, number 4

The numerical solution of the inverse problem for Maxwell's equations based on the Laguerre functions

A.F. Mastryukov
Keywords: numerical algorithm, Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic wave, conductivity, inverse problem, the Laguerre method, finite difference, linear equations, accuracy


The inverse problem is solved by an optimization method using the Laguerre functions. Numerical simulations are carried out for the one-dimensional Maxwell's equations in the wave and diffusion approximations. Spatial distributions of permittivity and conductivity of the medium are determined from a known solution at a certain point. The Laguerre harmonics function is minimized. The minimization is performed by the conjugate gradient method. Results of determining permittivity and conductivity are presented. The influence of shape and spectrum of a source of electromagnetic waves on the accuracy of solution of the inverse problem is investigated. The accuracies of the solutions with a broadband and a harmonic sources of electromagnetic waves are compared.