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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2013 year, number 5

Velocity of deflagration combustion at high pressures and temperatures

A.A. Vasiliev and A.V. Trilis
Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: normal velocity of flame, visible velocity of flame, detonation velocity, adiabat of energy release, detonation branch of adiabat, deflagration branch, combustion
Pages: 605–612


The article presents additional calculated data on combustion velocity for typical gas mixtures at pressures up to 6000 atm and temperatures up to 4000 K. It was determined that combustion velocity is mainly influenced by initial temperature, and the dependence on pressure is rather low. For fuel-oxygen and air-fuel mixtures in three-dimensional space (pressuretemperaturevelocity of deflagration combustion), we have found a single surface of combustion velocities and continuous dependence of flame velocity on initial conditions.