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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2013 year, number 5

Investigation of boiling-up centers of n-pentane using high-speed video shooting in two mutually perpendicular directions

E.V. Lipnyagov, M.A. Parshakova, and G.V. Ermakov†
Institute of Thermophysics UrB RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Keywords: superheating, nucleation, boiling-up, bubbles, high-speed video, n-pentane
Pages: 595–604


The paper presents an experiment on superheated n-pentane boiling-up in a glass capillary at atmospheric pressure using a high-speed video. The video shooting was first performed in two mutually perpendicular directions. Two obtained images allowed concluding, on which side of the vessel wall the bubble forms, and whether we observe one bubble with an image, deformed due to the curvature of the capillary, or two bubbles located nearby. These data prove the surface (heterogeneous) character of boiling-up.