Influence of the receiver diameter on the probability density distribution of the values of received radiation of the divergent laser beam in the surface air in the snowfalls
N.A. Vostretsov, A.F. Zhukov
Keywords: лазерный пучок в атмосфере, диаметр приемника, вероятность, распределение, снегопад, laser beam in atmosphere, probability, distribution, diameter of the receiver, snowfall
200 probability density values of the received radiation of diverging laser beam from the He–Ne laser (l = 0,63 mm), extending to a length of routes of 260 and 520 m at three receiver diameters (0,1, 0,8, and 3,1 mm) are analyzed. Measurements were carried out during the snowfall. It was found that the most commonly measured distributions are approximated by gamma-distribution for all diameters of the receiver. The increase of the receiver’s diameter by 30 times causes the decrease of fluctuations and a change of symmetry when varying the optical thickness along the path.