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Advanced Search

Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2012 year, number 12

Testing of the stochastic parallel gradient descent algorithm in the laboratory experiment

V.A. Banakh, A.V. Larichev, I.A. Razenkov, A.N. Shesternin
Keywords: лазерный пучок, гибкое зеркало, стохастический алгоритм параллельного градиентного спуска, laser beam, deformable mirror, stochastic parallel gradient descent algorithm


The results of the laboratory experiments on compensation of the laser beam initial wave front aberrations by the stochastic parallel gradient descent algorithm (SPGDA) are presented. It is shown that for wave front aberration, considered in the experiment, optimal choice of the initial and iteration algorithm steps, as well as the optimal coefficient of noise threshold provides for the compensation of the main part of aberrations, using 150–200 iterations of SPGDA.