DM2-100-31 controllable mirror efficiency in adaptive optics system at Big Solar Vacuum Telescope
L.V. Antoshkin, N.N. Botygina, O.N. Emaleev, P.G. Kovadlo, P.A. Konyaev, E.A. Kopylov, V.P. Lukin, V.D. Trifonov
Keywords: адаптивная оптическая система, управляемое зеркало, adaptive optics system, controllable mirror
The results of bimorph deformable mirror DM2-100-31 testing in AOS at BSVT are described. It is shown that the tip – tilt range of the controllable mirror is not enough for image stabilization in condition of strong wind swinging of telescope construction components. Slow response and insufficient range of controllable mirror surface deformation within clear aperture 60 mm does not allow a high performance of wave front correction.