Satellite monitoring of the smoke plume from forest and peat fires over European Russia in July–August, 2010
S.A. Sitnov, G.I. Gorchakov, M.A. Sviridenkov, I.A. Gorchakova, A.V. Karpov, A.B. Kolesnikova
Keywords: природные пожары, дымовой аэрозоль, аэрозольная оптическая толща, MODIS, радиационные эффекты, эволюция дымового облака, wild fires, smoke, aerosol optical depth, MODIS, radiative effects, evolution of the smoke plume
Using aerosol optical depth (AOD) and active fire (FIRMS) data obtained with the help of MODIS instruments (both Aqua and Terra satellites) and the upper-air network data we present an analysis of spatial-temporal evolution of smoke plume during the period of the mass wildfires over the territory of European Russia (ER) in summer 2010. The relationship between the structural features of the plume with the large-scale dynamics is established. The smoke plume evolution in the metropolitan area is described in detail. Various statistical characteristics of AOD spatial and temporal variations are calculated. An estimation of the mass of smoke is presented. The radiation effects of smoke aerosols are evaluated. The time evolution of the regionally averaged aerosol radiative forcing on the top and the bottom of the atmosphere is described. Spatial distribution of radiative effects over the territory of ER in the period of extreme smoke pollution is presented. A statistically significant correlation between the active fire data and the wind is found. During wildfires period the validation of the AOT obtained by MODIS instrument with the AOD obtained by the CIMEL sun photometer, operated at the AERONET station Zvenigorod, was performed.